Friday, December 14, 2012

1 Week Post IVDD Surgery Update

It's been 1 week since Cody's IVDD surgery. We continue to do the passive range of motion exercises for 5 to 10 minutes multiple times a day. He seems to be starting to resist somewhat which is a good sign. We're waiting for the 'ok' to start laser therapy. According to some studies, laser treatment is said to help control pain and stimulate nerve regeneration and tissue healing. However, no studies have been done on how stem cells react to the laser therapy and we certainly don't want to do anything to harm the stem cells!

Cody has his first post op check-up on Wednesday, where we'll meet with the physical therapy group for a consultation and treatment plan recommendation.

I think Cody is starting to like being waiting on hand and foot, we've given him the nickname of 'Prince Cody'...Look at that face though, how can you NOT love that bugger to pieces.


Cody is currently 5 pounds overweight, mostly due to that damn Hills Perscription diet food crap (ok, and maybe a few extra treats) so in addition to recovering from surgery we are also working on weight loss. Decreasing his food intake by 10% was recommended and we've been following that pretty strictly. Cody like most Dachshunds love to eat so it's difficult not to give him treats when he looks at us with those little Brown eyes but we're being tough. Extra weight is not good for any dog, but it's even worse for IVDD dogs.

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